CDC Sounds Alarm on Drug-Resistant Superbugs

Dr. Stefanacci is an associate professor of health policy and public health at the University of the Sciences, Philadelphia, PA. He is a practicing internist and geriatrician, with more than a decade of experience as a medical director. He served as a Health Policy Scholar for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In addition Dr. Stefanacci serves as Chief Medical Officer of The Access Group. For complete biography, visit  


The CDC has set threat levels for drug-resistant “superbugs.” According to the CDC, the following bacteria are the most "Urgent Threats":

- Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, which includes E Coli.

- Clostridium difficile

- Neisseria gonorrhoeae

To address this urgent situation, national organizations representing medical specialists have been asked to “choose wisely” by identifying five tests or procedures commonly used in their field, the necessity of which should be questioned and discussed. The resulting lists of “Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question” will spark discussion about the need—or lack thereof—for many frequently ordered tests or treatments. The American Geriatric Society (AGS) used one of their five things to focus on more appropriate use of antibiotics; specifically the AGS has said “Don’t use antimicrobials to treat bacteriuria in older adults unless specific urinary tract symptoms are present.” Read more about these five things on the ChoosingWisely Website>>