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<P>While time with patients is limited, pediatricians need to build a rapport that permits a glimpse into the adolescent's real concerns. In general, if a teen...
Vaccination must be prompted before and on entry into elementary school. Not only does vaccination provide substantial health benefits to society, it is the law.
A 5-year-old boy with seizure disorder and developmental delay presented to our allergy and immunology clinic for a severe reaction that developed after he had received multiple vaccines.
Vert Mooney, MD; John Mayer, DC, PhD; David Woodbridge, PT
Adolescent scoliosis often is identified as idiopathic scoliosis--the precise cause of the spinal curvature that occurs in early adolescence remains unknown.
Since infancy, the child has had moderate to severe eczema that is controlled with a topical corticosteroid (hydrocortisone 1%), moisturizer, and tacrolimus( 0.03% (on the facial rash).