From patients not receiving recommended vaccinations to the increase in antibiotic resistance, there is a plethora of problems threatening public health. Which threat is the biggest one you face in your...
From patients not receiving recommended vaccinations to the increase in antibiotic resistance, there is a plethora of problems threatening public health. Which threat is the biggest one you face in your...
Parts of the United States are lifting shelter-in-place orders, and more businesses and medical practices are starting to reopen. What patient and staff safety practices are you implementing during your...
Experts have predicted a second wave of COVID-19 will occur in the coming months. In your opinion, do you feel that your practice and staff are prepared for another wave?
Research shows that consuming pornography is associated with an increase in aggressive behavior. Do you think pornography should be considered a public health concern?
Of the World Health Organization's top 10 global health threats of 2019, six were infectious diseases. Do you think those threats were eliminated or reduced by the end of 2019?